5 Qualities to Consider when Selecting a Driver for Your Truck

5 Qualities to look out for in a driver.

Experts say that an average of 96,000 new drivers are needed every year to meet the demands of the commercial transportation industry, especially with growing freight volumes. By 2022, driver shortage could reach up to 240,000 if things go uncontrolled, as per data of the American Trucking Association.

While hiring truck drivers may be challenging right now, it is still important to maintain your standards in looking for new recruits. Here are 5 qualities that you could consider when selecting a driver for your truck.


As truck drivers, the company is counting on them to complete deliveries in a safe and timely manner. Along with this, truck drivers must also be reliable enough to follow company, local, state, and federal requirements for safety, breaks, driving time, and paperwork. Good truck drivers must be able to make and commit to such promises, and deliver on those promises in every delivery that they work on.


Truck drivers will most likely be on their own on the road. Knowing this, it is vital for the truck driver that you will choose to be capable of making sound decisions even without the help of others. This will come in handy during different situations such as bad weather, navigation, and managing time.

Good Communicator

As the nature of the job involves a lot of moving and being away, a good truck driver must me able to communicate well with employers, clients, and fellow truck drivers. Being professional and courteous is also a plus as this will help facilitate proper sharing of information and make timely decisions effectively.

Calm and Composed

When you are on the road, not everything might be on your favor. Hence, truck drivers should be cool headed enough to deal with different situations, some of which could be frustrating. As much as possible, a truck driver must not allow emotions to overpower their reasoning and presence of mind by staying level-headed.

Mechanically Knowledgeable

Truck drivers with basic knowledge on changing a tire or bulb are treasured finds. These skills will come in handy, especially when they are far from repair shops or truck stops and need to get back running real quick. This could also help them avoid the anxiety of wait times if they need to call for roadside assistance. In other words, they can get back right on track without much time wasted–a big thumbs up for productivity and resilience!

The driver recruitment process can be difficult with the challenges that the commercial transportation industry these days is facing but you are not alone. With Innovative Assist, you have a truck driver recruiting agency that you can count on. Let’s talk about your trucking goals today!


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