Innovative Logistics Group

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Developing a Greener Fleet: International Earth Day and the Trucking Industry

April 22nd is International Earth Day!

Different sectors all across the globe are trying to achieve sustainability by switching to healthier and greener alternatives. While all these efforts are small, when collectively done, they could create a larger impact contributing to the world’s shared goal of alleviating the effects of climate change. 

In the trucking industry, here are some ways for your fleet to become greener.

Avoid Idling and Deadhead Miles

An empty truck on a return trip is a waste of opportunity for the business. And not just that, it is also a waste of energy and resources. Fuel is used up without even accomplishing any project, delivering any load, or moving freight. Instead, it only contributes to pollution. On the other hand, trucks that remain idle at stops or at the dock might not be in any way productive at all yet still generate pollution. Also, if a truck stays idle for too long, it might need additional maintenance works to ensure that it would stay in good shape, which again means using up more resources.

One smart way to avoid deadhead miles and idling are through optimization of driver routes using a reliable dispatching system. In this manner, routes are efficiently planned thereby increasing productivity while reducing instances of wasting energy and resources, such as fuel.

Go Paperless

Many of us are aware that paper comes from trees. Paper-based transactions are not only slow and outdated, but they also cost the environment a lot, too. From sourcing the raw materials to the production processes involved, and in distribution, paper can be too energy-intensive. 

A great alternative to paper is shifting to digital transactions, such as automating reports and other documents that may be needed in the trucking business. Not only does this reduce waste, but it also helps speed up transactions, lessens the risk of losing important documents, and makes everything more efficient.

Switch to Newer Model of Trucks

With fuel-efficient engines that reduce emissions, newer truck models are now greener, lessening carbon dioxide emission by 126 metric tons and nitrogen oxides by 12% per year. Also, with lighter components that foster longer window periods between repairs and maintenance works, harmful wastes and hazardous material disposal are lessened.

Older truck models might require more frequent visits to the shop to keep them in good shape for long-haul drives, thereby costing you more.  Also, older engines might no longer be fuel-efficient, eating up more gas while only allowing you to travel relatively shorter distances compared to what a newer engine truck could do with the same amount of fuel. Nevertheless, an upgrade to your fleet must be made with careful consideration as this would be a huge investment that, like any other investment, may come with risks.

These are just a few of the steps that we could take in the trucking industry to be more environment-friendly. 

How about you, what are your steps towards achieving sustainability? Let’s talk about your sustainable goals in the trucking industry today.