Innovative Logistics Group

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Do I Need A Mentor for My Dispatch Trucking Business?

The Jedi has a guy like Obi-Wan Kenobi, while the X-Men has Professor X. In truck dispatching, even if you do not deal with Stormtroopers or evil mutants, having a mentor who will guide you towards success is also essential in the world of logistics.

In this article, we will give you four reasons why you need a mentor for your trucking business.

Mentors enlighten you with knowledge, information, tips, tricks, and everything that you need to face the challenges of the industry.

By seniority, mentors are years ahead of you hence, they are capable of giving and sharing important pieces of information and priceless knowledge about the nooks and crannies of the trucking industry and logistics as a whole.

Compared to learning on your own and going through a lot of trial-and-error which could consume a lot of time and money, having a mentor provides the opportunity to have the process compressed without compromising the learnings and opportunities that you deserve.

With a wide variety of transportation services, the trucking industry can be overwhelming and it is imperative that you find a niche in the industry that you can focus on to avoid getting lost.

When you have identified this, your mentor can now help you get a headstart to learn about the segment quickly, and map out your track from the beginning until further endeavors that will allow future growth for you.

This mentor can answer your questions and offer precious advice, which could ultimately be the launching pad for your success.

Mentors have been through mistakes and they can help you in identifying and eliminating them. 

As a beginner, committing errors and making mistakes is inevitable. However, if these errors and mistakes become too frequent, you might end up getting frustrated and lose motivation. 

Having a mentor can help you dodge these frustrating mistakes.

With their experience from years of doing business in the industry, mentors are well aware of the common trucking mistakes because most likely, they have already gone through them when they were still beginners early on in their career and they understand the struggle.

With that, they are capable of helping you eliminate the mistakes the soonest and guide you to overcome any other beginner-level challenges that you may encounter. 

Mentors motivate and inspire you to pursue your endeavors.

There are days when you can feel demotivated or uninspired, due to various reasons such as being burnt out or pressured or a combination of a lot of other factors–and these are totally normal!

While different people have different coping mechanisms to go through this phase, one effective way to help you bounce back would be to get encouragement from a trusted mentor.

Some mentors apply the motivational and cheerleader style of mentoring, while others silently acknowledge your feats and accomplishments.

There are also others who apply a “tough love” strategy who are not into words of affirmation that much and some others could also be those who play as devil’s advocate and always loves to challenge their mentees.

Depending on what works best for you, all mentors aim to encourage you to be the best version of yourself, hoping to contribute greatly to the trucking industry’s future.

At the end of the day, mentors bring in their experiences to turn around situations of breakdowns and help you rise up, get back on track, and become more passionate and dedicated than the previous version of yourself.

Mentors connect you with the right people in the industry.

Like any other industry, being a beginner without knowing anyone in the industry can be tough. Mentors can provide you with opportunities to get acquainted with other professionals and important people in trucking and logistics. 

These new connections are highly valuable as they are as good as potential business ventures and other opportunities for growth and development.

Networking in the business world is not rocket science; entities and other investors find many of their partners through the networks and connections that they have forged.

As mentors relatively have more experience in the industry, they have wider connections within reach, which you could benefit from as a beginner.

Are you looking for mentors in the trucking business industry? Join our mentorship program at Innovative to fast-track your success in the logistics industry.

You'll receive guidance from industry experts to help you learn more about this job, grow your business, and achieve all of your goals.